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williams college造句

"williams college"是什么意思  
  • Williams college , usa
  • Miss white : leehom , i just fount out i won a scholarship from williams college
  • The college also has exchange agreements with the williams college in the usa and soka university in japan
  • But passing up ivy prestige for the chance to pursue his passion , attended williams college and the berklee college of music
  • Upon graduating from pui ching high school , he attended williams college , massachusetts in the states and obtained a bachelor in arts and minors in religious studies and music
  • He released his first album ” rival lover beethoven ” in 1995 , when he was still attending the prestigious williams college in the u . s . state of massachusetts
    他在1995发行了他的第一张专辑《情敌贝多芬》 ,那时他还在著名的美国马萨诸塞州的威廉姆斯学院上学。
  • It's difficult to see williams college in a sentence. 用williams college造句挺难的
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